Water Leaks in
Basement Walls
FCS Concrete Repairs are Remedial Builders and are experts in tracing and rectifying leaks in basement walls including Permanent Formwork Structural Walling in residential and commercial buildings.
What’s Water Leaks in Basement Walls ?
The biggest building problem of water leaking through the basement wall, including the connection of wall to slab, is being tackled by FCS Concrete Repairs. Our waterproofing techniques are helping to stop leaks in Permanent Formwork Structural Walling Systems and extend the life of structural elements in leaking buildings.
What can cause it
Basement wall joints can leak for a number of reasons:
1. Hydrostatic pressure can build up when water accumulates around footings. This water pressure can cause joints to fail and leak.
2. Construction practices can cause basement wall joints to leak if not properly sealed.
3. Poor quality or degraded waterproofing can also cause basement joints to leak.
The Solution
FCS Concrete Repairs applies the latest waterproofing materials and techniques and can offer a solution to leaking basement walls, including Structural Walling, both in commercial and residential developments.
FCS use a polyurethane grout which rapidly forms a highly resilient flexible seal that allows movement to the crack, or joint. Our materials are a low viscosity resin that reacts with water and expands to form a closed cell, watertight foam. As the foam reacts, it expands to fill the space and bond to the concrete to hold it in place thus creating a closed cell mass that does not allow water to pass through or around it.

Our process considers a tailormade solution for your
concrete repairing need. This is how we approach each project:

We conduct professional investigations and diagnosis of the issue in order to identify the source and cause. Identifying the source and cause of the issue is vital in finding the best solution and preventing further problems. Once the cause of the issue has been identified and confirmed, we then determine the optimum repair system for each specific application. These processes are often performed under the guidance of highly qualified engineers, designers or architects.

We access the most advanced technologies in concrete Restoration and Preservation from leading manufacturers worldwide to reinstate the structural integrity of any concrete structure. We strictly adhere to all manufacture and design specifications ensuring that the right system is used and applied correctly for your project.

Longevity and continuing performance of the repair can be at risk if protection and preservation measures against future potential contamination threats are not adequately addressed. We also conduct operational and environmental investigations to ensure that future contaminant risks are specifically controlled using the most effective treatments available.
Certified concrete repair and protection services
We have the most up-to-date systems and certifications to perform the best work with safety and quality.